Upper Laguna Madre

I spent a few days last week camping alongside an eclectic group of guys. Despite our varying backgrounds and personalities we shared a common interest. We’re all fishermen. But beyond our affinity for angling our jones is swinging a graphite stick to present hooks dressed with fur and feathers at […]

A trip month’s in development has finally concluded last weekend. Mark and I planned a trip to the Land Cut for some time now. Mark hasn’t lived in Texas very long and his first sight fishing experience was a trip he made to Land Cut last fall with his buddies […]

Evidence of the arrival of spring is everywhere: flip-flop weather, schools of newly hatched fry, herds of hungry fish prowling the shallows and tropical storm-like winds. Finding a reliable pattern during spring, more than any other season, is tough. Conditions are highly inconsistent and fish behavior mirrors the unpredictable weather. […]


Duck Hunter’s Dream

I shot this video a few weeks back while in the Coastal Bend area fishing. Austin and I were fishing the Upper Laguna Madre and paddled up and a enormous flock of ducks sitting on the water. I tried to see how close I could get to them before they […]

I spent a few days fishing the Corpus Christi area with my old college roommate, Austin, this past weekend. We only had one day of good weather and the rest of the time it blew pretty hard but we managed to catch a fair amount of fish, mostly trout. Although […]