Big trout season is upon us here on the Texas Coast with the passing of the last couple cold fronts. I’ve been on the water half a dozen times since I last posted. The fishing has been typical of winter fishing. Some days you catch them. Other days you work […]

The fishing has been slow last few weeks mainly due to my indecision and obstinacy. I dislike transition periods because I have a hard time changing tactics and targeting different species when my focus has been so narrow. For three quarters of the year my concentration is singlar: redfish. When […]


Waist Deep

What do you do when you’re fishing a marsh during a strong outgoing tide and you run out of water? You have two choices: find water or go home. While the thought of enjoying the comforts of your home with a cold brew in hand might be enticing, you’re a […]

The most recent cold front is a reminder that we’re nearing the end of the redfish explosion in the marshes on the Texas Coast. Over the last few weeks most of the shrimp has migrated to the Gulf leaving fin-fish as the only remaining forage available for a ravenous redfish. […]


Color Selection 101

I often get asked, which color(s) should I use? Color selection is not a concrete science as with most fishing-related questions. As fishermen we’re philosophers, mind-readers, and theorists. We develop ideas based on past experience from what has and has not worked. This video is my take on color selection […]

The arrival of fall begets many changes for anglers on the Texas coast. Artic blasts bring relief from the scorching summer heat, but more importantly, the objects of our fascination begin to fatten up for winter when food sources will be scarce and water temps are too low to warrant […]

I stopped throwing bait for a number of reasons. The challenge. The cost. The hassle. And most importantly to get away from these critters. I’ve caught a few hardheads since I started throwing lures, but besides the few times I specifically targeted them I can’t remember the last time I […]

Another rarity. I hit the water for a few hours on the way home from Corpus Christi, TX yesterday morning. I managed to catch a lower slot red that was missing one of it’s eyeballs. This is the second time I’ve landed a red that was missing an eye. The […]

I spent a few days in the Coastal Bend with my old roommate, Austin, last week. The weather was hot but so was the fishing. We caught good numbers and quality fish at a few different locations. The first day in the area we got a late start and fished […]

Fishing around a full moon has always given me fits. Couple that with the recent heat wave blasting Texas and you will soon understand why fishing the marsh under the moonlight sounded like a good idea. What I have learned over the years fishing around a full moon is that […]