What makes fishing great is it’s something different to every person that fishes. What floats one angler’s boat may not fancy another’s fixation. My favorite way to catch fish is by sight fishing, preferably with the buggy whip in hand. I find myself constantly looking for new places where I […]
Spoon Fly
I went out solo a couple times over the weekend. I found plenty of reds in the marsh but the feeding window was short very early in the morning. The fish were also extra weary of my presence because of the low water levels. Lost count of the number of […]
You’re the winner of the spoon fly giveaway. I’ll be contacting you later this weekend to get your address so I can mail out your flies. There were 14 total participants. Thanks to all that participated. I should have another contest and tutorial posted up soon.
Here’s a few other flies I tied up last week. Still need some work to get them looking nice and clean, but not bad for first attempts. I’m headed to the Coastal Bend this weekend so hopefully I put a few of my recent creations to the ultimate test: whether […]
I played around with CCG some more last night, tying my first spoon fly and an epoxy shrimp variation that I visualized a while back. I still have some tinkering to do to get them just right but I think my first attempts were fairly successful.
Here’s some left over footage from the edits I made to the footage I shot over the last few weeks.
If I had to describe my day of fishing yesterday in one word it would be phenomenal. My best day of fishing ever. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had days when I’ve caught more and bigger but this was on another level. I have never seen so many schools of […]