Sight Fishing

I haven’t spent much time in the marsh this year because I haven’t heard very many reliable reports, but with the warm weather lately I figured it was about as good a time as any to start exploring my preferred domain. I spent three days in the marsh at three […]


Footage that Didn’t Make the Cut

Here’s some left over footage from the edits I made to the footage I shot over the last few weeks.

I have been out several times since I last posted a fishing report with varying levels of success. I hit several locations including areas in East Bay, West Bay, and spots as far west as Freeport. Fishing has gone from good last week to downright slow early this week even […]


Doesn’t Get Any Better…

Some days are better left forgotten. Days when it seems like nothing can go right. Bad events pile up on one another leaving you wondering, what else could go wrong? Invariably there is always something else that can and often will go wrong leaving you confused, what did I do […]


Fly Fishing the Upper Texas Coast Video

Here is a compilation video of footage I took over the last few weeks. All of the footage has one central theme skinny water fly fishing for redfish in the marshes around the upper Texas coast. And when I say skinny I generally mean water less than 1′ deep. Most […]

Greg and I started the morning bright and early at a spot we hadn’t had the chance to check out this year. We were interested to see if we could pick up trout shallow along with some redfish. We started off throwing topwaters in 1′-3′ of water on main bay […]

I went down south to Corpus Christi, Texas this past weekend to hang out with the family, relax, and do a little fishing. I had a good time hanging out with some of my family that I don’t get to see very often because they have since moved away from […]


Poling and Sight Fishing

Here’s some footage I took while poling and looking for fish. I managed to catch a few on film that morning before the temperature became unbearable.