

David’s First Fly Red and Oversized Red on Light Tackle

In this video David Norris catches his first redfish on the fly. The story behind this video and the reason for our excitement, mine in particular, was we had a few shots at backing redfish on the fly rod this morning but we failed to connect. It was enthused and relieved […]

Me, Ryan, and David had a few hours to burn yesterday morning, so we decided to fish the marsh in hopes that the lower tides made the redfish more visible and accessible. We found plenty of fish very shallow but they weren’t as aggressive as they have been. We saw […]

When you read the title of this post you probably thought it had something to do with a reptilian confrontation, but this is an encounter of another kind. A much more exhausting and traumatic experience. I’ll let the video explain the details. I found some redfish this morning, most of […]