Lower Laguna Madre

Spent a few days in the Lower Laguna last week with a big group of kayakers. Conditions weren’t ideal but we made the best of what we were given. Not many snook caught this trip but here’s one Don caught in the lights with the fly rod.


TX Snook

TX Snook
Another trip to the Lower Laguna Madre in the books. Over a week later I’m still recovering from the long, arduous but satisfying trip. Six of us made the trek, five from Houston and one from Corpus. The group included four newbies who had never fished the hypersaline lagoon in […]

I spent three days in hypersaline water’s of the Lower Laguna Madre last week targeting one of my favorite game fish: robalo commonly referred to as snook here in the states. Snook are aerobatic, strong, extremely aggressive, and their willingness to eat topwater plugs is unrivaled. I make a few […]

Sam, John, and I returned yesterday from our shortened trip to the Lower Laguna Madre. We made the trek south on Thursday afternoon with visions of pristine water and hungry linesiders, but our foresights never came to realization. Instead, we were greeted with dirty water and exceedingly low water levels. […]

Me and a couple of friends are heading south this afternoon for four days of fishing the snook-laden, hypersaline waters of the Lower Laguna Madre. I’ll post up some pictures and a report when I return. If there was any question what’s my favorite type of lure and what I’ll […]