Kayak Fishing


David’s First Fly Red and Oversized Red on Light Tackle

In this video David Norris catches his first redfish on the fly. The story behind this video and the reason for our excitement, mine in particular, was we had a few shots at backing redfish on the fly rod this morning but we failed to connect. It was enthused and relieved […]


Topwater Redfish Video

Here’s another video I put together with some footage I captured a few weeks ago. I have a bunch of other footage that I’ve been editing that I should have up very soon.


Outdoor Texas Camp 2010

Here’s a video I put together of some footage I took during the three weeks I was camp instructor with Outdoor Texas Camp.


Poling and Sight Fishing

Here’s some footage I took while poling and looking for fish. I managed to catch a few on film that morning before the temperature became unbearable.

The last time me and Raymond fished together he did all the catching and I did all the admiring. Well, this time we switched places and I was able to put some fish in the boat while he struggle. I wish we would have both caught fish, but we both had plenty […]

When you read the title of this post you probably thought it had something to do with a reptilian confrontation, but this is an encounter of another kind. A much more exhausting and traumatic experience. I’ll let the video explain the details. I found some redfish this morning, most of […]

Who would have thought getting skunked could feel so rewarding? This morning I hit the water with an old friend, Raymond, the person responsible for my addiction and passion for the great sport of fishing. He introduced me fishing over a decade ago and I have been hooked, excuse the […]