My buddy John and I have talked about fishing the Everglades for big snook for years. Both of us have caught our fair share of Texas Linesiders (see photos below), but the primitive snook and tarpon-laden backcountry of southernmost tip of Florida has always peaked our interest. When I envisioned […]
Kayak Fishing
Speaking of year-end recaps. Here’s a video Brandon, a friend of mine, put together. It’s a recap of his 2012 fishing adventures. Me and a few of my photos appear throughout the video.
I love fishing new water. I make a point to fish new areas as often as possible. Fishing the same worn-out spots becomes monotonous to me; that’s why I rarely fish an area more than a few times a year. Ever since I bought my first kayak I’ve had this […]
“Should have been here yesterday.” Words you never want to hear utter from someone’s mouth when you travel a long way in hopes of catching a hot bite. Those words sting even more when they’re coming from a buddy in your inner circle of friends who enjoys rubbing it in […]
Here’s a shot of a buddy, Judson, I shot last weekend while fishing the marsh.
As anglers were subject to the constraints of the tyrant named Mother Nature. She does what she pleases. We’re merely hostages to her moody behavior. Every now and then she’ll smile down and grant us passage on a picturesque day. On rare occasions she’ll string two or more blissful days […]
Brandon came in town to fish with me this past weekend. He picked the perfect weekend. Conditions could not have been better. On Friday we fished a numbers spot. I wanted to give him a taste of what the Upper Coast has to offer. The day started off a little […]
Here’s a photo I took of Rick Spillman, Rick’s Kayak Adventures, a couple of months ago. Storms were brewing around us all morning, but we managed to dodge most of the heavy stuff. We saw this squall moving in on us fast. We barely made it in before this squall […]
My friend, Sam (pictured below), is getting married in a few weeks and I’m one of the groomsman. We’ve known each other for a long time. Since kindergarten although neither of us knew it until we started looking through old photos in high school. We developed our passion for fishing […]
What happens when you gather an eclectic gang of bug slingers on a desolate beach outside the reach of cell signals and wifi connections (but not park rangers) for a camping and fishing excursion? Fish are caught. Alcohol is consumed. Lies are told. And live music is played around a […]