
Greg and I started the morning bright and early at a spot we hadn’t had the chance to check out this year. We were interested to see if we could pick up trout shallow along with some redfish. We started off throwing topwaters in 1′-3′ of water on main bay […]


Get In and Get Out

Greg, John, and I hit the marsh last week and found several big schools of redfish early before the water level got too low. Bite lasted only a couple of hours because it was already mud slogging low and ripping out quickly. We had just enough water to float when […]


Herd Of Cattle

Here’s the video I promised from footage I filmed on Saturday morning. Greg and I were chasing a school of redfish down the shoreline. I got ahead of the school on the shoreline and tried to intercept the school. The whole school swam right by me and one of the […]

Greg and I went fishing yesterday morning with hopes that fall fishing was in full swing and the redfish were in an agressive feeding mode. We arrived at our location before first light and were greeted with light north winds. We starting drifting shell over shell in 2′ of water […]

Greg, Raymond, and I fished the marsh near Surfside, Texas this morning searching for redfish. Tides were still running at above normal levels and there wasn’t much tidal movement until later in the afternoon, so we knew we were in for a challenge. We pounded the shorelines early without much […]