Here’s some more flies I tied during the bad weather we’ve had the last few days.
Grass Shrimp
What a difference a few inches of water makes. I have been on the water a few times recently with various levels of success. One area I fished the tide had fallen enough to make fishing downright tough; I had a difficult time maneuvering through the marsh because of the […]
I haven’t been on the water since last Saturday and I’ve had withdrawals. The weather and other obligations has kept me indoors but this weekend the weather and conditions are shaping for a stellar weekend on the water. I spent a some time behind the vise the past couple of […]
After keeping a close eye on the winds and water levels all day I had enough with being stuck indoors so I decided to head out for a quick evening trip close to home. I decided to pack light and only tote along my fly rod, fly box, and a […]