The winner of the Louisiana marsh guided fishing trip giveaway is Ben Kurth. Congrats! I had over 130 entries between Facebook, Instagram and my website. Thanks to everyone who participated.
***PRINT GIVEAWAY*** As luck would have it I found an 11×14 print on my bookshelf nestled between my diplomas collecting dust. Rather than using it to make origami I’ve decided to give it away.
You’re the winner of the Redfish Critter Giveaway. I’ll be contacting you soon to get your address so I can mail out your flies. There were 19 total participants. Thanks to all who participated.
I picked up the Redfish Critter flies from Chris earlier this week. I have to admit they’re ugly when dry, and I mean that in the nicest way. When the flies get wet they come alive. Incredible action. The giveaway ends tomorrow at midnight, so if you haven’t signed up […]
You’re the winner of the spoon fly giveaway. I’ll be contacting you later this weekend to get your address so I can mail out your flies. There were 14 total participants. Thanks to all that participated. I should have another contest and tutorial posted up soon.