I meant to announce the winner to the free vise give away over the weekend but I’ve been out-of-town since Thursday. I just got back in town late last night from an extended stay in the Corpus Christi area. I’ll post a report later this evening or tomorrow but for […]
Fly Tying
Fly Tying Vise Giveaway
Someone recently asked what I was going to do with my old vise now that I have a new one and it got me thinking. I planned on saving it for a rainy day but it probably won’t ever get used and just sit and collect dust. Hmm, why not […]
I’ve been asked several times lately how I make the eyes on some of the flies you’ve seen posted here lately, so I made a video. The camera was out of focus because of bad lighting in the room but it still gets the point across. The eyes are very […]
For tying flies…
I went to the 19th Annual Dr. Ed Rizzolo Fly Tying Festival this weekend and had a good time. Plenty of people made it out despite the horrible driving conditions just a day prior. Learned to tie a few new patterns and some tricks that I will blend into some […]
The Texas FlyFishers is putting on the 19th Annual Fly Tying Festival at Bethany Christian Church, located at 3223 Westheimer on February 5 , 2011. The doors open at 9:00am and the event will run until 4:00 pm. Admission is $10.00 for Adults, $5.00 for Students and Seniors and, $15.00 […]
Here’s a few of the flies I tied over the past weekend.
I spent a few days fishing the Corpus Christi area with my old college roommate, Austin, this past weekend. We only had one day of good weather and the rest of the time it blew pretty hard but we managed to catch a fair amount of fish, mostly trout. Although […]
Spent some more time behind the vise the past week. Here’s some more of my creations…
Here’s some more flies I tied during the bad weather we’ve had the last few days.