Fly Fishing

The second stop of the IFA Tour is at Rockport, Texas this weekend, May 14th & 15th. The boaters compete on Saturday followed by the kayakers on Sunday. I won’t be fishing the event but if you’re in the area be sure to check out the weigh-in. More details here… […]

In fishing, there are not many things that pique my interest more than exploring new areas. I get tired of fishing the same water, so I am constantly looking for new places to fish up and down entire Texas coastline. Satellite images are a modern-day Lewis and Clark’s compass. I […]


Spring Fling (Video)

Spring is the most inconsistent time of the year. The weather is all over the place and the wind is almost always blowing hard one direction or the other, but sometimes things come together. Most of this footage was captured a few weeks ago when a late season cold front […]

I haven’t spent much time in the marsh this year because I haven’t heard very many reliable reports, but with the warm weather lately I figured it was about as good a time as any to start exploring my preferred domain. I spent three days in the marsh at three […]


And the Winner Is…

I meant to announce the winner to the free vise give away over the weekend but I’ve been out-of-town since Thursday. I just got back in town late last night from an extended stay in the Corpus Christi area. I’ll post a report later this evening or tomorrow but for […]


Adieu to Fall

The advent of winter sparks change to the coastal bays and estuaries. The fall patterns of fish relating to shallow water, under the birds, or in the marsh become less reliable as their metabolism slows down and food becomes scarce. As a result fish feed less regularly compared to the […]


Footage that Didn’t Make the Cut

Here’s some left over footage from the edits I made to the footage I shot over the last few weeks.

I have been out several times since I last posted a fishing report with varying levels of success. I hit several locations including areas in East Bay, West Bay, and spots as far west as Freeport. Fishing has gone from good last week to downright slow early this week even […]


Doesn’t Get Any Better…

Some days are better left forgotten. Days when it seems like nothing can go right. Bad events pile up on one another leaving you wondering, what else could go wrong? Invariably there is always something else that can and often will go wrong leaving you confused, what did I do […]