This Saturday July 14. 2012 is the Lydia Ann Fly Masters tournament in Aransas Pass, Texas. The weigh is located at Tarpon Shores Marina (formerly Crab Man Marina) between 2:00 and 4:30. The purpose of the tournament is to bring Fly Fishing anglers together to compete for prizes, hang out […]
Fly Fishing
The fishing has been good on the Upper Texas Coast when I have been able to get out between the storms that have been rolling through from the Gulf. I’ve got rained-out a few times lately, but I’m not complaining because we need the rain. Especially after the historic drought […]
What happens when you gather an eclectic gang of bug slingers on a desolate beach outside the reach of cell signals and wifi connections (but not park rangers) for a camping and fishing excursion? Fish are caught. Alcohol is consumed. Lies are told. And live music is played around a […]
Brandon and I spent some time in the Texas Hill Country last week filming and fly fishing. We met Brandon’s buddy, Dan Cone, who guides on the Guadalupe River and works at Action Anglers during the winter. Brandon and Dan are friends from when the guided in Colorado together. Dan […]
The most recent cold front is a reminder that we’re nearing the end of the redfish explosion in the marshes on the Texas Coast. Over the last few weeks most of the shrimp has migrated to the Gulf leaving fin-fish as the only remaining forage available for a ravenous redfish. […]
Here’s a short clip I put together of some sight casting action from last week…. The fishing has been phenomenal. In two days last week I witnessed 100+ redfish landed between me and the group of guys I was fishing with. Report, photos, and more footage coming soon.
I spent a few days last week camping alongside an eclectic group of guys. Despite our varying backgrounds and personalities we shared a common interest. We’re all fishermen. But beyond our affinity for angling our jones is swinging a graphite stick to present hooks dressed with fur and feathers at […]
Labor Day weekend was a wash due to Tropical Storm Lee. Lee brought extreme north winds to the Upper Texas Coast. The weather following Lee’s departure was a welcomed change. Low tides and cool weather produced fall-like conditions. I was chomping at the bit to get on the water because […]
Fished a few new marshes last weekend and the fishing was phenomenal. Had backing reds swimming around me all day long. Got bored catching one at at a time on the fly rod and I couldn’t resist… I also shot a bunch of pics but I haven’t had a chance […]
Here’s a pretty cool sequence that I accidently got with my new GoPro over the weekend…