Fly Fishing

Tomorrow is the big day. I’ve spent countless hours behind the vise the last few weeks for a highly anticipated trip to the Bahamas. I thought I’d share a few of my creations. I’ll be off the grid for a week, but there will be plenty of video and photos […]


2012 Wrap Up Kayak/Skiff Fishing

Speaking of year-end recaps. Here’s a video Brandon, a friend of mine, put together. It’s a recap of his 2012 fishing adventures. Me and a few of my photos appear throughout the video.

Upon spending a few hours perusing my favorite interweb reads and getting up to speed, I was reminded that it’s a New Year by the countless year-end recaps and New Year resolution posts that have inundated the blogosphere. I was also reminded of how much of a slacker, with regards […]

“Should have been here yesterday.” Words you never want to hear utter from someone’s mouth when you travel a long way in hopes of catching a hot bite. Those words sting even more when they’re coming from a buddy in your inner circle of friends who enjoys rubbing it in […]

As anglers were subject to the constraints of the tyrant named Mother Nature. She does what she pleases. We’re merely hostages to her moody behavior. Every now and then she’ll smile down and grant us passage on a picturesque day. On rare occasions she’ll string two or more blissful days […]