I’ve been asked several times lately how I make the eyes on some of the flies you’ve seen posted here lately, so I made a video. The camera was out of focus because of bad lighting in the room but it still gets the point across. The eyes are very […]
Epoxy Shrimp
Spoon flies have never been so easy to tie. No more problems cutting the right shape or making sure the epoxy dries evenly. What was once a tedious and time consuming process can now be done with ease with Clear Cure Goo and pre-cut spoon fly templates from Creative Feathers Studio. […]
For tying flies…
I went to the 19th Annual Dr. Ed Rizzolo Fly Tying Festival this weekend and had a good time. Plenty of people made it out despite the horrible driving conditions just a day prior. Learned to tie a few new patterns and some tricks that I will blend into some […]
I played around with CCG some more last night, tying my first spoon fly and an epoxy shrimp variation that I visualized a while back. I still have some tinkering to do to get them just right but I think my first attempts were fairly successful.