I shot this video a few weeks back while in the Coastal Bend area fishing. Austin and I were fishing the Upper Laguna Madre and paddled up and a enormous flock of ducks sitting on the water. I tried to see how close I could get to them before they […]
Corpus Christi
I spent a few days fishing the Corpus Christi area with my old college roommate, Austin, this past weekend. We only had one day of good weather and the rest of the time it blew pretty hard but we managed to catch a fair amount of fish, mostly trout. Although […]
I went down south to Corpus Christi, Texas this past weekend to hang out with the family, relax, and do a little fishing. I had a good time hanging out with some of my family that I don’t get to see very often because they have since moved away from […]
Get your mind out of the gutter. When you read the title of this post you were probably thinking about something completely unrelated, but I was refering to catching redfish. This is a compilation of footage I took one morning out on the flats near Rockport, Texas. It includes three […]
In this video David Norris catches his first redfish on the fly. The story behind this video and the reason for our excitement, mine in particular, was we had a few shots at backing redfish on the fly rod this morning but we failed to connect. It was enthused and relieved […]