
I have not been very motivated lately due to the lackluster fishing and conditions on the Upper Coast. This winter has been slow compared to the last few years. We’ve had plenty of warm weather and rain here in Southeast Texas. I’m not complaining. Our bays desperately need the precipitation. […]

I went to Corpus Christi for the weekend to fish the 4th annual Casting for a Cause Charity Tournament. I spent three days on the water fishing around the Coastal Bend and had a blast. The catching was phenomenal one day and poor the rest. For once it was good […]


Where It All Began

Here’s a piece I wrote last year. It gives a little history into what got me to where I am today. It’s also posted here along with some other articles I wrote over the years. Whoever said addiction is a bad thing never sat in a plastic boat. I will […]

Santa has delivered Christmas early this year. Big trout fishing has been good earlier than normal. It wasn’t until later in the winter last year when the big girls started showing up in good numbers but this year the winter, mud and shell, pattern has started early. The deep water reef bite […]