Clear Cure Goo


Clear Cure Goo Spoon Fly: Video Tutorial and Free Flies

Here’s a spoon fly video tutorial. This is the first of many fly tying installments that I, as well as others, will be posting on this site. The objective of these tutorials is to teach inexperienced or skilled fly tyers how to tie patterns that have produced good results for […]


How to Make Glass Bead Eyes

I’ve been asked several times lately how I make the eyes on some of the flies you’ve seen posted here lately, so I made a video. The camera was out of focus because of bad lighting in the room but it still gets the point across. The eyes are very […]

Here’s a few other flies I tied up last week. Still need some work to get them looking nice and clean, but not bad for first attempts. I’m headed to the Coastal Bend this weekend so hopefully I put a few of my recent creations to the ultimate test: whether […]


Fly Tying Fest, No Fish Kill, and Couple Unproductive Days on the Water

I went to the 19th Annual Dr. Ed Rizzolo Fly Tying Festival this weekend and had a good time. Plenty of people made it out despite the horrible driving conditions just a day prior. Learned to tie a few new patterns and some tricks that I will blend into some […]

I played around with CCG some more last night, tying my first spoon fly and an epoxy shrimp variation that I visualized a while back. I still have some tinkering to do to get them just right but I think my first attempts were fairly successful.

I bought some Clear Cure Goo from Fishing Tackle Unlimited over the weekend and played around with it a little over the last few days while the weather was poor. I used CCG for three completely different applications (pictured below): cover wraps, make shrimp eyes, and create an epoxy body. […]