
Brandon and I spent some time in the Texas Hill Country last week filming and fly fishing. We met Brandon’s buddy, Dan Cone, who guides on the Guadalupe River and works at Action Anglers during the winter. Brandon and Dan are friends from when the guided in Colorado together. Dan […]

The arrival of fall begets many changes for anglers on the Texas coast. Artic blasts bring relief from the scorching summer heat, but more importantly, the objects of our fascination begin to fatten up for winter when food sources will be scarce and water temps are too low to warrant […]

Fishing has been flat-out ridiculous on the Upper Texas Coast. Huge schools of redfish everywhere you look. The water has cleaned up nicely with the passing of the last few cold fronts too making the fish a lot easier to spot and catch. It’s been a sight fisherman’s dream in […]

I spent a couple of days on the water last week. One day in bluewater in a 32′ offshore boat and the other day on a 18′ skiff in the marsh. We didn’t run very far offshore and our trip was cut short due to one of the engines overheating […]

I went to Corpus Christi for the weekend to fish the 4th annual Casting for a Cause Charity Tournament. I spent three days on the water fishing around the Coastal Bend and had a blast. The catching was phenomenal one day and poor the rest. For once it was good […]

Friday: I met up with Jaime to fish a marsh I hadn’t seen since last year. It’s about an hour paddle via kayak to get to this marsh. I told him the night before that we were going to make a long paddle and to be prepared. I don’t think […]

In fishing, there are not many things that pique my interest more than exploring new areas. I get tired of fishing the same water, so I am constantly looking for new places to fish up and down entire Texas coastline. Satellite images are a modern-day Lewis and Clark’s compass. I […]