Louisiana Black Drum Fly Fishing: Louisiana black drum fly fishing is often overlooked by most anglers travel when travel to the Louisiana marsh. To many black drum are slimy, grotesque and lazy when compared to their bronze-colored, streamlined counterparts. Redfish get all the publicity and rightfully so, but their kin […]
Black Drum
The winner of the Louisiana marsh guided fishing trip giveaway is Ben Kurth. Congrats! I had over 130 entries between Facebook, Instagram and my website. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Every time I try to explain to someone what makes the fishery in Louisiana unique I end up at the same moot point. Louisiana is just something you have to experience is what I often recite. Characterizing Louisiana is akin to justifying why I love to fish to non-fishing folk. […]
On the heels of my latest announcement and in harmony with the Christmas spirit, I’ve decided to give away a free full-day guided fishing trip for 1-2 anglers in Louisiana. The only stipulation is that you must be able to cash in your free trip in either January or February […]
The cast, along with several new additions, is back for round two of our annual trek down the barren beach that is Padre Island National Seashore. Our group consists of a colorful cast of characters who traveled from all over the state in search of fish, comradery and adventure. Share, […]
Speaking of year-end recaps. Here’s a video Brandon, a friend of mine, put together. It’s a recap of his 2012 fishing adventures. Me and a few of my photos appear throughout the video.
The weekend started off with an early morning stroll down the beach… …with a pimped out canoe in tow and a convoy of trucks and skiffs following not far behind. We stumbled across a creature washed up and struggling to find it’s way back into the water. Brandon slammed on […]
What happens when you gather an eclectic gang of bug slingers on a desolate beach outside the reach of cell signals and wifi connections (but not park rangers) for a camping and fishing excursion? Fish are caught. Alcohol is consumed. Lies are told. And live music is played around a […]
The arrival of fall begets many changes for anglers on the Texas coast. Artic blasts bring relief from the scorching summer heat, but more importantly, the objects of our fascination begin to fatten up for winter when food sources will be scarce and water temps are too low to warrant […]
I spent a few days last week camping alongside an eclectic group of guys. Despite our varying backgrounds and personalities we shared a common interest. We’re all fishermen. But beyond our affinity for angling our jones is swinging a graphite stick to present hooks dressed with fur and feathers at […]