The cast, along with several new additions, is back for round two of our annual trek down the barren beach that is Padre Island National Seashore. Our group consists of a colorful cast of characters who traveled from all over the state in search of fish, comradery and adventure. Share, […]
Speaking of year-end recaps. Here’s a video Brandon, a friend of mine, put together. It’s a recap of his 2012 fishing adventures. Me and a few of my photos appear throughout the video.
The weekend started off with an early morning stroll down the beach… …with a pimped out canoe in tow and a convoy of trucks and skiffs following not far behind. We stumbled across a creature washed up and struggling to find it’s way back into the water. Brandon slammed on […]
I snapped this photo during a recent camping trip on Padre Island National Seashore. A big group of us made the trek down beach. We fished the beach and bay side. Report to follow.
What happens when you gather an eclectic gang of bug slingers on a desolate beach outside the reach of cell signals and wifi connections (but not park rangers) for a camping and fishing excursion? Fish are caught. Alcohol is consumed. Lies are told. And live music is played around a […]
I still haven’t fully recovered from my month-long fishing extravaganza in the Coastal Bend and neither has my tackle and gear. I’ve been pretty busy cleaning up and organizing my belongings, among other things, and haven’t had much time to post. I finally got all of the photos up that I […]