To say that the fishing has been slow, since the back to back artic blasts hit the Texas coast over the last two weeks, is an understatement. It has been downright monotonous and by all accounts the fish have been extremely indolent.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When the fishing is this slow it’ll make you do some crazy things leading you to question your sanity. There have been several occasions lately when I’ve stood in same place casting at “high likelihood” areas for what seems like eternity without anything to show for my efforts. Plugging away trying different techniques, patterns, and lures all with the same results: cipher. Hour after hour hoping, waiting for my luck to change.
After speaking to numerous individuals that have been on the water over the last week and weekend everyone has had similar results. Fishing has been tough for everyone all over the Galveston Bay Complex, although I’ve heard a few good reports of a deep water redfish bite. I am not all that interested in redfish this time of year if I am fishing deep. I would much rather target their relatives with more spots but if things don’t start to turn around I may have a change of heart.
Raymond and I hit the water yesterday afternoon and fished during a strong incoming tide and SE wind. We were on the water for several hours without a bite or signs of bait in the area. Just before we were about to call it quits, I got my first bite since the fronts blasted our coastline.
The bite was very subtle but the fish was rather lively once it felt the point of my hook penetrate through it’s tongue. Not the targeted species but it did put a big grin on my face considering how many hours I spent working on my casting as of late. We had a few more bites the remainder of the afternoon but a couple of flounder was all we could muster up. We caught all of our fish on TTF Hackberry Hustler’s in morning glory.
The water levels are still running below predicted levels. Surface water temperatures, according to my handheld thermometer, were in the mid 50’s; quite an increase from the low to mid 40 degree surface temperatures we had just last weekend. Things should start picking up as forecasts are showing a warming trend throughout the week.