PINS Red Tide

Spent a few days camping at Padre Island National Seashore last week. The area has been hit pretty hard by the red tide. Most of fish effected are non-gamefish and baitfish but there was also plenty of redfish (big and small), trout, mackerel, snook, etc. that were effected. It is a devasting sight, but it’s just mother nature doing her thing. The flats were fine inshore; no sign of a fish kill everywhere we went.

Here’s a few photos from the trip…

Full report coming soon…

About the author

Jeremy Chavez is a full-time fly and light tackle fishing guide who hails from the Bayou City (Houston, Texas for those of you not in the know). He eats, sleeps and breathes fish. He left (he was laid-off but who's keeping tabs) his career as a bean counter (he has a master's degree in accounting) to chase his dream of becoming a nomadic fish bum.

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