I bought some Clear Cure Goo from Fishing Tackle Unlimited over the weekend and played around with it a little over the last few days while the weather was poor. I used CCG for three completely different applications (pictured below): cover wraps, make shrimp eyes, and create an epoxy body. My first impression is this stuff is phenomenal.
While I don’t have whole a lot of experience tying flies with epoxy, I feel that Clear Cure Goo is far superior for nearly every application. No more mixing or waiting for epoxy to dry. All you have to do is apply it where you want and hit it with the UV light for a few seconds and it’s completely dry.
Clear Cure Goo thick has about the same consistency as epoxy which makes it easy to work with. It does has a little tack to it but not considerably more noticable than regular epoxy. It’s also sold in easy applicator syringes which allows you to apply it where you like without any extra tools.
About the only negative I can find right now is the price. The light costs about $30 and each syringe of Clear Clear Goo is about $11. You only have to buy the light once though; it runs on three AAA batteries and should last a long time on a single set of batteries.
Even though each syringe has a fairly small quantity when compared to a bottle of epoxy, you should be able to pour out quite a few flies before it runs out. Another thing to note is once it starts running, it runs quickly and keeps running. Try and apply as little pressure as possible to the syringe for best results.
The epoxy shrimp in the first picture below was only my second attempt with Clear Cure Goo, and I have very limited experience with epoxy. CCG is much easier to work with. Great stuff. I’m going to be experimenting with CCG over next few weeks so stay tuned for pictures and the results.
Here’s a video I found on YouTube of John Carpenter himself tying his Krystal Flash Shrimp. I met John at the FTU Inshore Fishing Expo a few weeks back and watch him tie it. I didn’t see this video until today after I failed a couple of times trying to recall from memory how he tied it. This would have been a lot more useful a few days ago, so hopefully it saves someone else some time. Also visit John’s website/blog, http://jcflys.com/, and check out some of his work.
John Carpenter Krystal Flash Shrimp